Friday, November 28, 2008
Check Me Out!
Kayla rolled over for the first time on the day she turned 11 weeks old! She also laughed, which is still rare for her. I tried to get her to laugh again on tape, but instead I caught Roll #2 on film. Hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Our Trip to the Doctor

Well, our poor little Kayla had to get vaccines today. It was so sad to see her cry when she got two shots in her chubby little thighs. I felt so bad for her that I nearly cried myself! I know it's for her own good, but I almost felt guilty because she wasn't expecting it at all. She weighed in at 13 lbs., 4 oz. and is 24 inches long! She is in the 90th percentile for both height and weight and they say she's strong and developing properly. Here are some shots of her showing off her strength... Darnit! I still can't control this darn website! They're up at the top... oh well, at least they're cute!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
2 Months Old
Well, Miss Kayla hit the two-month mark yesterday! We can hardly believe it's been that long since we met our little angel! She is an extremely happy and friendly baby, smiling and "talking" all the time. She makes all sorts of sounds and takes turns doing it, as if she's really having a conversation. (I have lots of video of that, but can't get it loaded on here for some reason!) She is spending her days with Daddy while Mommy works. Luckily, I can go see her on my lunch break and feed her lunch. So far, that's made my transition back to work a lot easier. We are looking forward to this weekend's "PreThanksgiving" at Nana's with our in-town family and then real Thanksgiving in Ohio--Kayla's first trip out of state! Grandpa and I hope we're prepared for the journey! Thanks for checking in!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Cute Pictures Mommy Loves