Thursday, July 23, 2009

Long Time No Post

Wow. I have been really slack about keeping up with Miss K's blog! She has changed, grown, and learned so much since last time... Let's see if I can think of most of her tricks and some other tidbits:

  • She says baba, mama, dada, daw (like dog), da (like that, as she points at all kinds of stuff), and uh-oh, as well as copying us when we say ball, yuck, and yum. **Correction: She actually says ball on her own, not just when copying us.
  • Her true crawl is the army crawl, but she does a very cute and careful hands-and-knees crawl for shorter trips.
  • She loves to pull up on everything but barely takes any steps.
  • She claps when we say "yay."
  • She blows kisses into the air--no hand involved.
  • She taught herself the lovely little sound where she moves her finger back and forth on her lips while making sounds. (I call it the wubba wubba, but don't know if it has a real name.)
  • She loves splashing in the water of the pool or tub, and getting her face wet.
  • She likes to sit on my tummy and hold my hands by the outside, making them clap.
  • She enjoys trying to brush her own teeth much more than letting us brush them for her. When we walk by the toothbrushes she points to them and says, "aaah."
  • If she is crawling and we ask if she wants up, she'll get onto her knees and reach up for us. She taught herself that, too, I guess and I think it's adorable.
  • She loves Goodnight Moon before bed and points to the kittens on each page they're on; she just loved them from the first time we added the book to her bedtime routine, which I also think is adorable.
  • She has found the way to Sadie's heart is through her stomach, dropping bits of food when she can. This is how we found out that Sadie has a taste for bananas!

I'll try to add more as I think of them, and try to do a better job of keeping this current!


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