Friday, September 5, 2008

She's Been Served

Well, since Kayla is obviously extremely happy just living in Mommy, the doctor has scheduled a tentative induction for September 16th. I will check into the hospital on the night of Monday the 15th to begin the process~ if our little one doesn't show her face by then. Part of me thinks she'll come on out by then, but in a strange way it's reassuring to have a firm deadline. I go back to the doctor this Monday for a non-stress test to make sure she's as happy as she seems. In the meantime, I'll continue hobbling around on what used to look like feet. I'm sure this is just the first of many times that Kayla will test my patience!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the defendant in the above entitled and syled matter does hereby give notice of motion to continue for good cause shown in that more time is needed to prepare for a world in which geo. w. bush is president.
benjamin cardoza,
attorney for kayla grace ali

September 8, 2008 at 6:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let us put our own political agendas aside, people(this is the birth of a new human life here) Kayla doesn't care who the president is or who the new president will be- She just wants to be loved, and tended to and protected. She'll come when she's supposed to.
The presidential status has no bearing on Jen's ability to be a great Mom, nor on Kayla's wanting to meet her. The idea that is the case is insulting. It could be a nuclear holocaust in which W pushed the button himself and she would be just as eager to be held by her mother as she would be if any other bureaucrat were running things.
Using the birth of a human life, a precious, unique, neutral being as a reason to W-bash is immature and unfair.
It's just my opinion, I admit- but why not let her figure out these things (you know, once she's born)like you had the benefit of doing - on your own! Allowing a child to grow with the freedom to make up their own mind is a great gift.
Let us reserve the right of deciding who she is, how she feels and who she might vote for,
for Kayla herself.

September 8, 2008 at 1:08 PM  

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